
Read this article to find out where to buy LV, Chanel and Hermès bags at the cheapest price.

A must-read for girls who love bags|21 of the hottest big-name bags at the moment, what points do they get in terms of overall strength?

Famous writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Don’t buy expensive ones, just choose the right ones. My 5 private collections of niche domestic brand bags.

Promotion | His family is doing something big again! Newly released bags and clothes are easy to grow

Inkstone | Two anecdotes about Bao Shichen’s painting

Bag review|How much do 27 of the most popular big-name bags weigh?

Retro and eye-catching, we recommend 9 bags that are not afraid of going out of style and show great taste!

Bag Buying Bible|If you want to buy bags recently, just buy these 6 styles! Who are you most optimistic about?