Inkstone | Two anecdotes about Bao Shichen’s painting

Bao Shichen, a native of Jingxian County, Anhui Province, was not only a famous economic scholar, writer, calligrapher and calligraphy theorist in the Jiaqing and Dao Dynasties of the Qing Dynasty, but he was also good at depicting things and was very precise. Many calligraphy scholars today are not aware of this. . By writing "The Biography of Bao Shichen", the author takes the opportunity to talk about Bao Shichen's painting affairs.

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A story about Jiao Sheng Meifeng painting

In the early summer of the 21st year of Jiaqing (1816), when Mr. Bao Shichen (hereinafter referred to as Mr.) made friends and stayed in Wumen, Jiangsu (now Suzhou), he met a friend of Changzhou (now Suzhou) and a famous painter of the Qing Dynasty. Hu Meifeng and Mr. Shen Xiaowan, a calligrapher and poet who was a good friend of the Wu family, stayed in Xiaowan's "Xiao Wuxuan" courtyard for more than ten days.

On this day, my husband spent all his time with his two friends, discussing with each other Confucian classics, Tang poetry and Song poetry, playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, eating tea and talking and laughing. They were very happy, but most of the time they spent time hanging out with each other. One day, Hu Meifeng and Shen Xiaowan invited their husbands to go to Wumen collector Li Shi Huijun's house to view his collection. One of them was "Wu Mountain Range Rover" painted by Ming Dynasty painter Shen Zhou by Shi Tian.

Part of Shen Zhou's Range Rover in Wuzhong (first printing of Shen Zhou's collection of paintings by China's top ten famous painters, the first edition of Beijing Arts and Crafts Press in August 2003)

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It's not a long journey, we'll be there in a moment. Hu Meifeng, Shen Xiaowan and Li Jun have been friends for many years and are naturally close to each other. When the servants were serving tea, Li Jun invited the three people to take a look at the "Wu Mountain Range Rover". The three of them drank tea, watched and commented. Both Hu Meifeng and Shen Xiaowan said that this painting was undoubtedly authentic, but Mr. Wei believed that it was copied by later generations. He also said that the scrolls on this painting include Shiheshi, Huqiu and Xushi, Yangshan, Tianchi, Tianping, Zhizhong, and Zhihe. At Shishan Mountain, all the scenic spots in the west of the city are meandering to the north, and the scroll starts from Hengtang and Mudu, Lingyan, Shangfang, Shihu, Wushan, Dengwei, and ends at Yuyang, but all the scenic spots in the west and south of the city can also be painted. It is so lifelike that even if it is a replica, it is the work of a master and is still valuable for collection. On the way back, my husband added: Of course, the painting by Li Shi Huijun may have been influenced by the "Wuzhong Range Rover Picture" by Shen Zhou of the Ming Dynasty.

Shen Xiaowan was speechless. Hu Meifeng suddenly suggested: Let's go to Xishan tomorrow! I also want to make a few paintings based on some of the beautiful scenery in Xishan Mountain. .

Everyone naturally praised it, and Shen Xiaowan took the initiative to say that he would accompany the poem with the picture.

The next day, the sky was high and the air was crisp. The three of them came to Xishan, from Qishi Lake to Xuan Tomb. Because Hu Meifeng wanted to paint, the three of them chose the scene while walking, and then Meifeng sketched the sketch with a pen. After five or six days of hard work, Meifeng selected the best spots on the west mountain to draw eight pictures. Xiaowanguo was good at words and wrote good poems and paintings.

A few days later, Hu Meifeng brought the painting to Shen Xiaowan's house and asked his husband to comment. Mr. Wang has admired many things. In addition to praising him, he also commented kindly: The brushwork was obtained from Lutai (Qing Dynasty painter Wang Yuanqi). Although the calligraphy and ink are beautiful and smooth, the scenery looks lifelike and lovely, but the flaws are too much deliberate dyeing, and the sacred bones of mountains and rivers are missing. , its artistic conception is greatly discounted. Hu Meifeng thought a lot, clapped his hands and said that this statement was reasonable. Before leaving, Mei Feng gave this painting to Shen Xiaowan to play with, and said with a smile: "Let's pay for the food and accommodation for many days."

Hu Meifeng returned to Cheung Chau and stayed at Shen Xiaowan's house for a few days. For several days, Mr. Xiang and Xiaowan studied the painting of Mei Feng with great interest. They arranged the eight paintings of Mei Feng into a long scroll many times and carefully examined the main composition and scenery. Finally, they said: although this painting is good, it still has some flaws. That is to say, there are no pavilions or pavilions in each picture, no houses similar to fireworks in the human world, and no pictures of straw huts, woodcutters, and boats. Cities like Hengtang, Mudu, and Guangfu have not selectively placed iconic buildings in the paintings, making it difficult for people to associate them with each other.

Suddenly, the husband had a whim and told Shen Xiaowan that he would use this as a reference. On the basis of this painting, he would add necessary scenes and characters to make the painting more vivid and interesting. Shen Xiaowan was surprised: Brother Bao is also good at painting? The gentleman replied with a smile: I only got the superficial knowledge and never made any publicity about it.

Next, Mr. Shen Xiaowan was writing and painting in Shen Xiaowan's study and studio. While painting, he discussed and discussed with Xiaowan. Then he added and deleted according to Hu Meifeng's original manuscript, and reduced it to four paintings, covered with clouds, trees and pavilions. Pavilions, figures on small bridges, woodcutter and boatmen, carriages and horses, houses, and other related scenery in the urban area surrounded by mountains and rivers. The picture suddenly changes, and it is both deep and bright, and humanistic fireworks, which is very similar to the artistic conception of "Along the River During Qingming Festival" in the Northern Song Dynasty. When the husband left, he also left this painting to Shen Xiaowan.

Soon, Hu Meifeng came to Shen Xiaowan's house again. Xiaowan Wuyan asked Mei Feng to take a look at the drawings made by Mr. Meifeng admired it carefully for a long time, and suddenly exclaimed: Brother Shen! When did you collect the second volume of "The Complete Pictures of Mount Wu" by Ishida? Shen Xiaowan smiled, and finally said with a smile: "It's still Bao Daren who painted it again according to your drawing." Hu Meifeng was shocked and turned pale. He bowed his hands in the direction of his husband's home and said: Brother Bao, you are truly a god.

Second explanation and copy of "Wu Mountain Range Rover Picture"

In the summer of the eighth year of Daoguang's reign (1828), Mr. Shen Xiaowan was in Wumen, and Shen Xiaowan asked him to go to Li Huijun's house to appreciate paintings. He also said that Li Huijun wanted to see you after learning that your husband had painted based on Hu Meifeng many years ago. My husband naturally agreed and said that I also wanted to appreciate "Wu Mountain Range Rover" again.

After seeing it this time, Mr. Wang paid more attention: But seeing this painting of Potogang Ridge, it conveys the god of mountains and rocks, making people forget about their stacking. Surrounded by mountains and rivers, a market town is built with dozens of houses built with rafters. The woodcutter and his boatman are walking, sitting, ascending and descending, as if they were living there. However, the original style of the brushstrokes is actually more adaptable than the miscellaneous examples of "Dongzhuang Tu".

The teacher sighed: The real scene has its own real situation, which is worthy of the experts, but can't it be written so realistically and still have a good artistic conception? That day, Li Huijun hosted her husband and Shen Xiaowan for a small gathering at home. The three of them drank together and enjoyed themselves. In a few days, my husband will leave Suzhou and return to Yangzhou. Not long after his husband left, Li Huijun went to Shen Xiaowan's house many times to taste the painting that his husband made in the 21st year of Jiaqing (1816), and he knew that his husband was also a master of painting. Li Huijun said to Shen Xiaowan: I would like to ask Daren Bao to copy a copy of "Wu Mountain Range Rover Picture" for collection. I wonder if Daren Bao can do it? Shen Xiaowan said: If Master Bao is a good person, I will definitely agree to it.

Not long after, Li Huijun took the "Wu Mountain Range Rover" from his family's collection to Hanjiang, and then to Baimen, asking his husband to copy it. Because they were old acquaintances, Shen Xiaowan recommended it. After Mr. agreed, he read and painted the painting at the same time. It took three months to complete the painting. After the painting was completed, Li Huijun was invited and compared many aspects of the painting with the original painting. When the painting was almost real, Li Jun was surprised and asked his husband: Brother Bao, when did you learn to paint? Mr. Laughs: In the Jiazi Year (1804, the ninth year of Jiaqing), I served as a staff officer in Zhang Guiyan's Mansion in Tongzhou Prefecture, Jiangnan, responsible for water conservancy, water transportation, farmland, litigation and other related matters. Guizhang's teacher was a native of Cangzhou, Hebei Province (now part of Cangxian County, Hebei Province, a famous painter in the Qing Dynasty). It was known that his teacher Guizhang was not only an official, but also an expert in painting and poetry. Before his first visit to the capital, Shi Guizhang was as famous as Luo Pin, one of the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou, and was favored by famous figures such as Ji Xiaogang and Fa Shishan.

The teacher said: I was thirty years old that year. Except for official duties, in my free time I made many new paintings and sang with my father-in-law Gui. Then I studied painting with my father-in-law and taught him the six methods, one hill and one valley, for my own entertainment. After Shi Guizhang resigned, he also lived in Yangzhou in his later years, painting and writing poems every day, which was a great pleasure.

Later, when I settled down in Yangzhou, I often visited my father-in-law, and asked him for advice again. We exchanged more poems with each other, but less on paintings. Shi Guizhang is the author of one volume each of poetry collections "Huanghua Yin Pavilion Poetry Collection" and "Thirteen Peaks Thatched Cottage Poems".

Painting is also a craft, practice makes perfect, but it's just mediocre. During the reigns of Qianlong and Jiadao, the practice of reciting poems and painting to gather elegance through calligraphy and painting flourished among literati and officials during their free time after drinking. (The author is an art critic)

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